Georgian Water and Power (GWP) has chosen AVK International to supply more than 500 pressure reducing valves (PRV's) in order to significantly improve and efficiently manage their water supply.
A critical water loss at around 70 percent in the Tbilisi-region has previously given rise to a leakage reduction initiative. Now, GWP has decided to go all the way to obtain an efficient water supply management, and 150 PRVs already installed as part of the initiative are to be replaced by AVK valves in addition to more than 350 new PRV installations. The expected savings on water production is more than six million USD every year.
Quality matters
We supply high quality solutions and our prices are not always able to compete with the cheapest options. However, it was clear from the beginning that GWP requires high quality and dedicated support, and after technical discussions with our experts, they acknowledged the benefits of AVK valves.
Pressure management for minimising water loss
The benefits of pressure management are many for both consumers and water utilities as well as for sustainability. It has proven to efficiently reduce leakages and thereby also lower the non-revenue water level. This improves energy efficiency as well as operation and maintenance costs. Pressure management using PRVs can really make a difference and besides savings on produced and pumped water it can also improve e.g. consumer satisfaction by minimised disruptions. A major benefit of pressure management in the Tbilisi region is specifically the allowance for control of the excess pressure that arises as the water flows from the high situated reservoir.
Reduced water distribution and less pipe bursts
After installation of 235 of the total 500 PRVs significant results are already seen. The overall water distribution in the supply area has been reduced by seven percent compared with the past year, and the consumption of electricity for water treatment and distribution has been reduced by approximately 10 percent. The risk of water hammer has also been reduced and 25 percent less pipe bursts are seen. The pumped water is reduced by 76,000 m³ per day meaning that at the moment, GWP saves 27,740,000 m³ of water per year.

Million dollar savings
After installation of all of the 500 PRVs, GWP expects the amount of pumped water to be reduced by 58.000.000 m³ per year. As the total estimated cost of producing one cubic meter of water in Tbilisi is around 0.11 USD, the savings alone on producing this amount of water will be nearly 6.4 million USD per year. Impressive numbers that are within reach for the Georgian water supplier and the consumers in Tbilisi.
High quality water supply
Georgian Water and Power (GWP) is a leading company on the water supply market of Georgia and South Caucasus. The company provides high quality service to the population of Tbilisi, as well as to state organizations, industrial and commercial objects. More than 3000 company employees ensure delivering water and wastewater services to Tbilisi residents.
Source: www.gwp.ge
Savings after installation of 235 PRVs:
Electricity reduced by approx. 10%
Pipe bursts reduced by 25%
Pumped water reduced by 27,740,000 m³/year
Expected savings after installation of 500 PRVs:
- Pumped water reduced by 58.000.000 m³/year
- Saved production costs 6.380.000 USD/year*
*The cost of producing 1 m3 water in Tbilisi being 0.11 USD