Universal, fabricated carbon steel, twin bolt design, DN300-2000

AVK headquater in Skovby Galten, Denmark


AVK International A/S

Bizonvej 1, Skovby, 8464 Galten, Denmark

Super Hydro fabricated universal flange adaptor for drinking water and neutral liquids in temperature range -5°C to +60°C.

Super Hydro is a range of fabricated universal couplings and flange adaptors designed to connect pipes of different pipe materials. Super Hydro couplings feature a large tolerance of up to 40 mm on the outside pipe diameter and WRAS approved materials. They are made of carbon steel as standard and optionally in stainless steel. Also available up to PN40 and in customised design.

Variant 8006/00-001
Material: Steel
DN: DN300 - DN2000
PN: PN16


  • Large tolerance of 30 mm up to DN450 and 40 mm from DN500
  • Made of fabricated carbon steel with WRAS approved PLASCOAT PPA 571 ES, RAL 5017 (Traffic Blue 536)
  • Gasket of WRAS approved EPDM rubber
  • Fasteners of zinc plated and passivated steel 8.8
  • Optionally available up to PN40 and in stainless steel
  • Tensile resistant on request
  • Customisable design



Reference nos. and dimensions:

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AVK ref. no. DN
PN Class
8006-00-075-001100500 300 PN10 304-326 329 356 250 445 445 26
8006-00-075-001301000 300 PN16 304-326 329 362 250 460 460 31
8006-00-080-001100500 300 PN10 313-335 338 356 250 445 445 27
8006-00-080-001301000 300 PN16 313-335 338 362 250 460 460 33
8006-00-085-001101500 350 PN10 332-355 358 358 250 505 505 35
8006-00-085-001302000 350 PN16 332-355 358 365 250 520 520 43
8006-00-090-001101500 350 PN10 358-386 389 358 250 505 505 37
8006-00-090-001302000 350 PN16 358-386 389 365 250 520 520 44
8006-00-095-001102500 350 PN10 385-410 413 362 250 565 565 45
8006-00-095-001303000 350 PN16 385-410 413 368 250 580 580 54
8006-00-100-001102500 400 PN10 406-435 438 362 250 565 565 47
8006-00-100-001303000 400 PN16 406-435 438 368 250 580 580 56
8006-00-105-001103500 400 PN10 430-462 465 366 250 615 615 55
8006-00-105-001304000 400 PN16 430-462 465 372 250 640 640 67
8006-00-110-001104500 450 PN10 465-500 503 368 250 670 670 56
8006-00-110-001305000 450 PN16 465-500 503 376 250 640 640 87
8006-00-115-001104500 500 PN10 500-540 550 428 290 700 700 85
8006-00-115-001305000 500 PN16 500-540 550 436 290 715 715 87
8006-00-120-001105500 500 PN10 530-570 580 432 290 730 730 97
8006-00-120-001306000 500 PN16 530-570 580 442 290 840 840 130
8006-00-125-001105500 600 PN10 570-610 620 432 290 780 780 99
8006-00-125-001306000 600 PN16 570-610 620 442 290 840 840 134
8006-00-130-001106500 600 PN10 600-640 650 428 290 895 895 112
8006-00-130-001307000 600 PN16 600-640 650 436 290 910 910 143
8006-00-135-001106500 700 PN10 680-720 730 428 290 895 895 117
8006-00-135-001307000 700 PN16 680-720 730 436 290 910 910 148
8006-00-140-001107500 700 PN10 700-740 750 430 290 895 895 142
8006-00-140-001308000 700 PN16 700-740 750 438 290 910 910 169
8006-00-145-001107500 800 PN10 730-770 780 430 290 1015 1015 144
8006-00-145-001308000 800 PN16 730-770 780 438 290 1025 1025 171
8006-00-150-001107500 800 PN10 780-820 830 432 290 1115 1115 160
8006-00-150-001308000 800 PN16 780-820 830 438 290 1025 1025 180
8006-00-155-001108500 800 PN10 810-850 860 432 290 1115 1115 168
8006-00-155-001309000 800 PN16 810-850 860 440 290 1125 1125 185
8006-00-160-001108500 900 PN10 890-930 940 432 290 1115 1115 169
8006-00-160-001309000 900 PN16 890-930 940 440 290 1125 1125 193
8006-00-165-001108500 900 PN10 910-950 960 434 290 1115 1115 200
8006-00-165-001309000 900 PN16 910-950 960 440 290 1125 1125 194
8006-00-170-001109500 900 PN10 940-980 990 434 290 1230 1230 203
8006-00-170-001310000 900 PN16 940-980 990 440 290 1255 1255 232
8006-00-175-001109500 1000 PN10 1000-1040 1050 434 290 1230 1230 205
8006-00-175-001310000 1000 PN16 1000-1040 1050 440 290 1255 1255 236
8006-00-180-001109500 1000 PN10 1030-1070 1080 434 290 1230 1230 208
8006-00-180-001310000 1000 PN16 1030-1070 1080 440 290 1255 1255 237
8006-00-185-001310000 1000 PN16 1060-1100 1110 440 290 1255 1255 240
8006-00-190-001109500 1000 PN10 1090-1130 1110 436 290 1260 1260 254
8006-00-190-001310000 1000 PN16 1090-1130 1140 440 290 1290 1290 242
8006-00-195-001110500 1200 PN10 1120-1160 1140 436 290 1445 1445 256
8006-00-195-001311000 1200 PN16 1120-1160 1170 442 290 1485 1485 300
8006-00-200-001110500 1200 PN10 1150-1190 1200 436 290 1445 1445 256
8006-00-200-001311000 1200 PN16 1150-1190 1200 442 290 1485 1485 302
8006-00-205-001110500 1200 PN10 1180-1220 1230 436 290 1445 1445 267
8006-00-205-001311000 1200 PN16 1180-1220 1230 442 290 1485 1485 313
8006-00-210-001110500 1200 PN10 1210-1250 1260 436 290 1445 1445 268
8006-00-210-001311000 1200 PN16 1210-1250 1260 442 290 1485 1485 314
8006-00-215-001110500 1200 PN10 1240-1280 1290 436 290 1445 1445 270
8006-00-215-001311000 1200 PN16 1240-1280 1290 442 290 1485 1485 316
8006-00-220-001110500 1200 PN10 1270-1310 1320 436 290 1470 1470 271
8006-00-220-001311000 1200 PN16 1270-1310 1320 442 290 1485 1485 317
8006-00-225-001110500 1200 PN10 1300-1340 1350 438 290 1500 1500 280
8006-00-225-001311000 1200 PN16 1300-1340 1350 442 290 1500 1500 326
8006-00-230-001111500 1400 PN10 1330-1370 1380 438 290 1675 1675 334
8006-00-230-001312000 1400 PN16 1330-1370 1380 444 290 1685 1685 363
8006-00-235-001111500 1400 PN10 1360-1400 1410 438 290 1675 1675 338
8006-00-235-001312000 1400 PN16 1360-1400 1410 444 290 1685 1685 365
8006-00-240-001111500 1400 PN10 1390-1430 1440 438 290 1675 1675 342
8006-00-240-001312000 1400 PN16 1390-1430 1440 444 290 1685 1685 366
8006-00-245-001111500 1400 PN10 1420-1460 1470 438 290 1675 1675 346
8006-00-245-001312000 1400 PN16 1420-1460 1470 444 290 1685 1685 376
8006-00-250-001111500 1400 PN10 1450-1490 1500 438 290 1675 1675 348
8006-00-250-001312000 1400 PN16 1450-1490 1500 444 290 1675 1675 377
8006-00-255-001111500 1400 PN10 1480-1520 1530 440 290 1915 1915 350
8006-00-255-001312000 1400 PN16 1480-1520 1530 444 290 1685 1685 379
8006-00-260-001112500 1600 PN10 1510-1550 1560 440 290 1915 1915 426
8006-00-260-001313000 1600 PN16 1510-1550 1560 446 290 1930 1930 469
8006-00-265-001112500 1600 PN10 1540-1580 1590 440 290 1915 1915 429
8006-00-265-001313000 1600 PN16 1540-1580 1590 446 290 1930 1930 472
8006-00-270-001112500 1600 PN10 1570-1610 1620 440 290 1915 1915 431
8006-00-270-001313000 1600 PN16 1570-1610 1620 446 290 1930 1930 474
8006-00-275-001112500 1600 PN10 1600-1640 1650 440 290 1915 1915 445
8006-00-275-001313000 1600 PN16 1600-1640 1650 446 290 1930 1930 488
8006-00-280-001112500 1600 PN10 1630-1670 1680 440 290 1915 1915 447
8006-00-280-001313000 1600 PN16 1630-1670 1680 446 290 1930 1930 490
8006-00-285-001112500 1600 PN10 1660-1700 1710 440 290 1915 1915 449
8006-00-285-001313000 1600 PN16 1660-1700 1710 446 290 1930 1930 492
8006-00-290-001112500 1600 PN10 1690-1730 1740 442 290 1915 1915 451
8006-00-290-001313000 1600 PN16 1690-1730 1740 446 290 1930 1930 494
8006-00-295-001113500 1800 PN10 1720-1760 1770 442 290 2115 2115 485
8006-00-295-001314000 1800 PN16 1720-1760 1770 448 290 2130 2130 531
8006-00-300-001113500 1800 PN10 1750-1790 1800 442 290 2115 2115 487
8006-00-300-001314000 1800 PN16 1750-1790 1800 448 290 2130 2130 534
8006-00-305-001113500 1800 PN10 1780-1820 1830 442 290 2115 2115 490
8006-00-305-001314000 1800 PN16 1780-1820 1830 448 290 2130 2130 537
8006-00-310-001113500 1800 PN10 1810-1850 1860 442 290 2115 2115 493
8006-00-310-001314000 1800 PN16 1810-1850 1860 448 290 2130 2130 539
8006-00-315-001113500 1800 PN10 1840-1880 1890 442 290 2115 2115 495
8006-00-315-001314000 1800 PN16 1840-1880 1890 448 290 2130 2130 541
8006-00-320-001113500 1800 PN10 1870-1910 1920 444 290 2115 2115 497
8006-00-320-001314000 1800 PN16 1870-1910 1920 448 290 2130 2130 543
8006-00-325-001114500 2000 PN10 1900-1940 1950 444 290 2325 2325 570
8006-00-325-001315000 2000 PN16 1900-1940 1950 450 290 2345 2345 639
8006-00-330-001114500 2000 PN10 1930-1970 1980 444 290 2325 2325 572
8006-00-330-001315000 2000 PN16 1930-1970 1980 450 290 2345 2345 641
8006-00-335-001114500 2000 PN10 1960-2000 2010 444 290 2325 2325 574
8006-00-335-001315000 2000 PN16 1960-2000 2010 450 290 2345 2345 643
8006-00-340-001114500 2000 PN10 1990-2030 2040 444 290 2325 2325 581
8006-00-340-001315000 2000 PN16 1990-2030 2040 450 290 2345 2345 651
8006-00-345-001114500 2000 PN10 2020-2060 2070 444 290 2325 2325 584
8006-00-345-001315000 2000 PN16 2020-2060 2070 450 290 2345 2345 653
8006-00-350-001114500 2000 PN10 2050-2090 2100 444 290 2325 2325 586
8006-00-350-001315000 2000 PN16 2050-2090 2100 450 290 2345 2345 655
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1. Body Steel S235JR
2. Gland ring Steel S235JR
3. Bolt/nut/washer Steel gr. 8.8, zinc plated, passivated
4. Gasket EPDM rubber


  • Hydraulic test 1.5 x PN
  • WRAS approved materials


  • Standard flange drilling to EN1092-2 (ISO 7005-2), PN16
0 Files In the package